
Welcome to fitness. The Idea is to be fit in all the time.

Fitness excercises are adopted to each person indivudually. Fitness are indivudual activities, they make u feel better and improve condition. Trainer takes in  consideration body, age and what is recomended individually. An unique personal program is implemented. On a individual training we work to get results in possible short time!


We suggest for men: improve stamina nad body musculation and fat burn. Special excercises and sports diet make it possible to achieve succes and improve stamina!

for women : workout for a slimmer body, improvement of stamina and improve wellbeing!



For tennis players we have a special program to be ready not only mentally but physically for tennis games!

Tennis players are prepared in:

a) coordination aspects, numerous excercies that make it possible to achive greater balance

b) flexibility and fastness, runnimg and fitness excercises

c) condition improvement

d) strenghtness

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